1. Curricular Aspects
1.1.1-Curricular Planning & Implementation
1.4 Feedback System
1.1.1-Curricular Planning & Implementation
1.1.1-The institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well planned and documented process.
1.1.1 bba syllabus
1.1.1 bcom syllabus
1.1.1 calender of event college
1.1.1 Committee list
1.1.1 B.COM
1.1.1 BBA
1.1.1 Affiliation 22-23
1.1.1 M.Com II Sem Modified Syllabu
1.1.2 internal test TT and Circular mcom
1.1.2internal circular and TT bcom -bba
1.4 Feedback System