About NCC
The National Cadet Corps is the Indian military cadet corps with its Headquarters at New Delhi. It is open to school college and University students on voluntary basis. NCC is a Tri- Services Organization, comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force, engaged in grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic to the citizens. After the independence NCC formally came into existence on 16 July 1948 through NCC XXXI Act of Parliament. After that Girls Division rose in July 1949, Air Force rose in 1st April 1950 and Naval Wing rose in July 1952. Today the NCC has an enrolled strength of more than 15 lakh cadets.
Annual Report For The Year 2022-23
- RDC camp was conducted from 27th Sept 2022 to 7th Oct 2022, Cadet Aditya V N had participated.
- On 2nd Oct 2022 Gandhi Jayanthi and Puneeth Sagar event was held by APS college of commerce at Bugal Rock, Basavanagudi.
- From 6th Nov – 17th Nov 2022, CSUO Jameer H W and CJUO Bharath R attended army attachment camp at PARA regiment.
- From 6th Nov -17th Nov 2022, CPL Balasubramanya S and Cadet Sagar S attended army attachment camp at PIONEERs regiment.
- Cadets volunteered for Khelo India games held at Kantirava stadium organized by Govt. of India.
- On 19th Nov 2022 a walkathon was conducted at Kantirava stadium organized by Samarthanam all cadet volunteered.
- On 22nd Nov 2022, badges were given to the cadets who have achieved in Army attachment camps.
- On 12th Jan 2023, cadets attended National youth day conducted by National college at college ground.
- On 26th Jan 2023, Republic Day celebrated at APS college ground.
- On 11th Feb 2023 Swachh Bharath Abhiyan and Puneeth Sagar was conducted by the National College at Yediyuru lake and Krishna Rao Park, all 7 Kar BN ANO’s, PI staffs and all college cadets were participated.
- NCC ‘C’ Cert examination was conducted on 18th and 19th Feb 2023 at Christ College, Bengaluru.
- NCC ‘B’ Cert examination was conducted on 04th and 05th March 2023 at Christ College, Bengaluru.
- Swachh Bharath Abhiyan was organized by 7 KAR BN NCC on 20th March 2023 at Jinke Park, Bengaluru, 10 Cadets had participated in this event.
- 4 cadets participated in best cadet competition conducted by 7KAR BN NCC on 4th May 2023.
- On 14th March 2023, firing selection was held at Yelahanka, Bengaluru by 7KAR BN NCC, 18 cadets had participated in the selection.
- TSC 1 OT selections was held at RV Engineering College, Kengeri, Bengaluru on 26th May 2023, all the cadets participated in this selection.
- TSC 2 Theory selections was held at Vijaya Degree College, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru on 01st June 2023, all the cadets participated in this selection.
- Environmental Day was celebrated on 5th June 2023 at APS College of Commerce by planting saplings.
- Army Attachment Camp for SW’s was conducted at CMP Camp Centre, Bengaluru from 12th June to 23rd June 2023. Cdt Anjali A V attended this camp and made an achievement.
- World Yoga Day was celebrated at APS College of Commerce on 21st June 2023. All the cadets participated in this event.
- TSC 1st OT Camp was conducted by 8 KAR BN NCC at Brindavan College, Bengaluru from 21st to 30th June 2023. Cdt Pooja M participated in this camp.
- Army Attachment Camp for SD’s was conducted at MEG Camp Centre, Bengaluru from 07th July to 17th July 2023. Cdt Aditya V N and Dhanish S Jadhav attended this camp and made an achievement.
- TSC 2nd OT Camp was conducted by 39 KAR BN NCC at Brindavan College, Bengaluru from 11th to 20th July 2023. Cdt Pooja M participated in this camp.
Kargil Vijay Diwas 2023
Kargil Vijay Diwas was celebrated at our college on 26th July 2023. A tribute was shown to the martyrs by keeping the wreath by our president K P Narasimhamurthy and our beloved principal Dr. B Paramesh. All NCC cadets, NSS, YRC volunteers, teaching and non-teaching staff showed their tribute by lighting candles.

NCC Flag
NCC Flag Contains NCC Crest in Gold in the middle, with the letters “NCC” encircled by a wreath of Seventeen Lotus with a background in Red, Blue and Light blue. Red depicts the Army, Deep Blue depicts the Navy and Light Blue depicts the Air Force. The Seventeen Lotuses represent the 17 State Directorates. The motto “UNITY AND DISCIPLINE”(EKTA AUR ANUSHASAN) is written at the bottom of the NCC Flag.
NCC Motto
The Motto of the NCC is ‘UNITY AND DISCIPLINE’ which was adopted on 23 Dec 1957.
Aim of NCC
The aims of NCC as approved by MOD in Mar 2001 are as under:
- To Develop Character, Comradeship, Discipline, Leadership, Secular outlook, Spirit of adventure, Sportsmanship and Ideals of selfless service among the youth of the country.
- To Create a Human resource of organized, Trained and Motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life and always be available for the service of the nation
- To Provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed Forces

NCC Pledge
“I do hereby solemnly promise that I will serve my motherland most truly and loyally and that, I will abide by the rules and regulations of the National Cadet Corps. Further under the command and control of my commanding officer I will participate in every camp most sincerely and wholeheartedly. We the cadet of the National Cadet Corps, do solemnly pledge that we shall always uphold the unity of India. We resolve to be disciplined and responsible citizen of our nation. We shall undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness and concern for our fellow beings”
- RDC: Republic Day Camp
- TSC: Thal Sainik Camp
- MAC: Military Attachment Camp
- AITC: All India Trekking Camp
- ALC: Advanced Leadership Camp
- BLC: Basic leadership camp
- ATC: Annual Training Camp
- IGC: Inter Group Camp
- EBSB: Ek Bharat Shresta Bharat
- SNIC: Special National Integration Camp
- RCC: Rock Climbing Camp
- VSC: Vayu Sainik Camp
- NSC: Nau Sainik Camp
- Mountaineering Camp
- SSB Screening Camp
- ‘C’-Certificate is the highest recognition of training and qualification of a Senior NCC cadet.
- ‘B’-Certificate is the initial recognition of training and qualification of a Senior NCC cadet.
Regular activities in the weekly parades are Warm-up exercises, Drill, Rifle Drill, Lecture Class, Map Reading, Weapon Training, Field Craft, Battle Craft, etc, which are being imparted to the cadets as per the syllabus framed by NCC Directorate, Bengaluru.
Statues, Parks, Walls cleaning under the Swachha Bharath Abhiyan, Yoga Day, Independence Day, Republic Day, Kargil Vijaya Diwas, Road Safety Rally, Anti-Drug Rally, Tree plantation, Blood Donation, Army Awareness Program, Collegiate/Intercollegiate NCC competitions and NCC Day celebration are the other programs conducted by our unit in which our college cadets will take part in the above activities and programs.
NCC, APS College of Commerce
A unit has been started in March 1990, sanctioned by 7 KAR BN NCC. The NCC unit of APS College of Commerce, N.R.Colony, Bengaluru – 19 is granted by 7 KAR BN NCC Bengaluru-01, coming under Bengaluru ‘B’ GROUP in the Karnataka & Goa Directorate, Bengaluru. Every year 52 Cadets are on enrolling in this unit with Assistant Prof. cum CTO Shashank U G